【文化數據Cultural Data|講座詳記】自我的公共性 The Publicness of the Self
講者 Speaker:蔡佩桂 Tsai, Pei-Kuei

阿多諾(Theodor W. Adorno)有一個非常著名的說法是,在奧斯威辛之後寫詩是一個野蠻的行為,這樣的大哉問就落到如果想用藝術去回應這樣的情境之下。回憶起阿多諾當時說的,任何批判性的心靈你若無果無法徹底反思,這些很沉潛、靜默的沉澱其實無助於事情,因為真正的狀況是,整個思維體系都已經全面物化了。阿多諾後來有一點後悔之前的說法,所以他在《否定的辯證法》中說道,我之前講的好像不是那麼的對,因為其實留下來的人在長年的悔恨心態或緬懷心態中,他還是有權利可以吶喊的。所以他想說當時講的問題應該調整一下,但是調整後的說法其實更悲觀,他覺得應該問的是,這時你苟延殘喘活下來本身就不對,怎麼活得下來呢,做為一個倖存者,你本身已經成為問題的共謀,所以看到他提出的是一個悲觀的、全面否定的論調。所以在這時候寫詩或從事藝術的行為,其實非常容易引起複雜且難解的問題。

第三種可能性是藝術總可以幫助我們把事情看清楚吧。這是當時在氣爆滿周年時,高美館所舉辦的《走過愛堅強─高雄石化氣爆周年展演》,關鍵字其實就是凝視,還有引用了約翰‧伯格(John Berger)的話──看:每樣東西都泛溢出它的邊界、輪廓、範疇,泛溢出它的名稱。展覽裡面收錄的內容中,由蘇俊榮所帶領的方位影像科技有限公司所拍攝的現場照,經過一年後他們把資料重新整理,放到Roundme上面供大家觀看。這樣的計畫其實是非常務實性的,但是他被收錄到展覽裡面變成藝術作品,而這些確實讓我們更仔細的看到現實。

還有另一個致命的問題,辦展覽或我們現在的行為都會消耗非常多能源,當我們在製造碳足跡的同時去討論減少碳足跡,這本身就是一個非常大的矛盾。當時811展覽,我帶領「高師跨藝自責團隊」在高美館進行小型的集體創作的時候,當然也直接遭受民眾的質問,我對他們說這可以引起民眾思考的意識,但引起的效益真的有點弱,所以說起來挺心虛的。所以我當時希望做些能夠細水長流、慢慢地發揮效應的事情,所以做了「譜普市」(Popping City)的虛擬城市,中英文關係其實有雙關關係,我希望它是一個大眾的城市,所以是popular city,而pop本身就像爆米花爆炸的聲音。


To respond to the theme of this forum, I would like to set the tone on the small question of “the publicness of self” or “every single one in the public” and to talk about my project in these couple of years. This project “Popping City” derives from a specific event – the gas explosion in Kaohsiung on August 11th four years ago. I will analyze this with the perspective of cultural data. To let everyone form a real recollection, it was the most massive scale disaster in the petrochemical industry in Taiwan, roads were blown open, 32 people were dead, and 65 people out of 300 injured victims were heavily wounded.
This picture shows how Kaohsiung is surrounded by five industrial districts, which you can only imagine how concentrated the underground petrochemical gas pipelines were. When facing a catastrophe like this, what can arts do? I have no idea what kind of answers everyone could provide. People from the literature and arts field responded quickly, within a week, poets from Quidong Poetry Salon released poems that help to calm the hearts and minds of the victims. Theodor W. Adorno has a famous saying, which pointed out how it is barbaric to write poems after Auschwitz. He believes that if one responds disasters with art and if one's critical mind couldn’t reflect with its entirety, then the collecting of thoughts after silence or calm doesn’t help with anything, because the real situation is that the whole thinking system has been objectified. Adorno later regrets what he said, and admits in Negative Dialectics that he wasn't entirely right because the ones who stayed and lived with remorse and commemoration still retain the rights to cry out. However, his saying after the adjust becomes far more pessimistic. He believes this question should be asked: It is quintessentially not right for you to linger on, how could you stay alive like this? As a survivor, you are already an accomplice to this problem. What he proposed was a pessimistic and negative argument, therefore, writing poems or making arts would easily stir up complicated and intricate issues.
The second possibility though, what if one commemorates with arts? There might be a lot of events and commemorative actions when the gas explosion reached a whole year circle, though it's hard to imagine how long it would last since memories are selective. This year, a commemorative public landscape art set in the surrounding of the severely destroyed Wucyuan Elementary School named〈The Ripple of Memories〉. Reportedly the residences wanted a memorial form of ritual, later in an invite competition, Professor Yen Ming Hung and his team constructed a landscaped area. At first sight, the lot looks like a small park, the only architecture in the area is structured with basic geometric shape, what’s left is the pipeline that is meant for commemoration. The design of the landscape reflects the scene of how the gas explosion tore the ground apart. This project was inclusive of victim families’ participation due to their inquiries, with collections of their recollection embedded on the memory lane, the commemorative sculpture did its best to encompass all sides of the tragedy. However, the work is presented with a subtle, geometric and abstract way, though it includes some data or the names of the victims in honor, it’s still not a comfortable state for people to contemplate with.
The third possibility is maybe how the arts always help us to see things. When the accident just passed for a year, Kaohsiung Museum of Arts held an exhibition “Cross, Love, Strong - Kaohsiung Petrochemical Gas Explosion Annual Performance.” The exhibition included photos that shot by Su, Chun-Jung led FanWei Image Technology Co., Ltd, rearranged after a year and uploaded on Roundme and make the pictures on view for everyone. The project was efficient. When it was included in the exhibition as artworks, it did provide a closer look on reality, and yet, what did we gaze upon in this exhibition that held by Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts? Where is the truth? In the meantime, Citizen of the Earth, Taiwan held forums and handed out flyers to provide Taiwan’s Petrochemical industry a real side of data and facts.
When the gas explosion reached its first hundredth day, Professor Kuei Tien Chou from Taiwan University put together a panel of experts from different fields and published The Swan Song of Sustainable Development: Environmental Justice and Transitional Inertia in Kaohsiung Gas Blast. The book discusses gas explosion and a broader sense of environmental protection from various angles like transitional justice, economic justice, ecological justice, and city risk management. The extent to reaching the public with arts and cultural actions certainly wouldn’t look prettier. Thence, as Adorno questioned, I am wondering if creating artworks after the 811 gas explosion is barbaric behavior because we have to see to the information and data in the creative work and ways to present it. How should the arts present themselves and how does the culture respond in this life that’s full of data?
Moreover, these vast quantities of data are questionable, they are presented with bulldozed results, and hence they are often, to us, mysterious. Take the controversial nuclear power as an example, the government is the primary provider of these data, how do we tell or how to fight against its authority? These are matters that are conflicted, but also questions that hold importance regard to the issues of cultural data. I believe the possibility of resolving these questions lies in the connection of oneself to the public, with this, we find a way to the solution.
So perhaps, we need to dig deeper to think about situations of environmental issues that might occur slowly or hastily with the apparatus of art. There are a couple of maybe conditions with initial categorizing: The first is the “consciousness awaken by art type”, which means to inform people with the serious problem but let them also know how some in culture industry or media is doing better than us, such as Al Gore's 〈An Inconvenient Truth〉. The second possibility is “solving problem type,” such as the invention of some machinery or device to provide directly to the problems and needs.
Another fatal problem is that huge exhibition or the actions we take consume much energy. It within itself embraces an enormous contradiction when we are talking about carbon footprints but also making them. I want to do something that would have a gradual effect and go a long way, that's why I made a virtual city called “Popping City.” It is a double entendre when you see it’s English and Chinese translation. I want it to be a city for the people, a popular city, and “pop” itself sounds like when popcorn is being cooked and ready.
Before going into this platform of Popping City, I want to show everyone the government’s air pollution total amount control table. There are four types of pollution (suspended particles, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, volatile substances) made by more than 600 factories in Kaohsiung-Pingdong region, which are monitored by the country (Taiwan). People wouldn’t regularly check this kind of complicatedly listed open data. However, it would be more easily understand and readable if tables and numbers are turned into visual information.
This is Popping City. The buildings here existing, nothing is fiction. The pipeline under is designed following pipeline labeling standards of Kaohsiung City. Once you are registered to be a citizen of Popping City, you can start chatting with everyone. There is a “Museum Island,” a place that tells you all sorts of information that’s as clear as mud, like the relationship between air pollution and its foil factory. There is also an “Inhabitant Island,” a place where people can place their designed quarters into the city, where it's also constructed mirroring the streetscape of Kaohsiung City. The “factory,” in which the Popping City was created, means people can upload images via the image processing software, make simple collages, turn them into their own quarters and move into the city, of which with the power deciding where to live, to feel the information in different cities, information that is fed with cities in reality. The purpose of this platform is to encourage people to become creators, to create their own home, to move into a virtual city that’s made based on an actual city, to play and absorb all sorts of information unknowingly while in the action of chatting, with this, to gather all of us and to fight against the environmental problem it is now. That is probably the first intention that we work persistently for this platform.