【文化數據 Cultural Data|講座詳記】重新發現巴石河Rediscovering the Pasig River
講者 Speakers:理羅.紐&茱莉亞.內布里佳 Leeroy New & Julia Nebrija
理羅.紐 ── 大家好,我是Leeroy,來自菲律賓。我們主要的概念是:並非每個人都會去參觀美術展,所以我們需要提供另一種平台、媒介讓更多菲律賓人接觸,進一步意識到這些問題的存在。我和我的夥伴Julia,多年前在一個紀錄片的案子中認識,那時我是製作人,她主要代表一個在Smokey Mountain工作的非營利組織,那裡是一個菲律賓的垃圾掩埋場,她在那邊服務當地的居民。
茱莉亞.內布里佳 ── 大家好我是Julia,本身是菲裔美國人,主要從事都市設計,我跟Leeroy的背景完全不同。我本來在NGO組織服務,然後加入世界銀行,目前在菲律賓政府工作。因為背景不同,我本身做事情比較有系統性、官僚化一些。我們處理很多的議題,例如打擊貧窮、經濟發展等,這些讓我了解,我缺乏的是如何讓人民與他們所在的空間產生連結關係。這就是我們在此專案合作的原因,這專案要在馬尼拉找到沒有被使用的閒置的空間,賦予它新的意義,讓人民跟它有更多的連結。這以前的插圖所講的是馬尼拉市中心的Pasig River,它慢慢成長為一個大都會。看到馬尼拉的數據,那邊的居民大約有一千至一千兩百萬人,主要由十七個城市所合而成的大都會區,但若都會區再擴大一些的話,整個首都圈大約有兩千四百萬人,都會區的每個市都有市長及市政府。我的前一個工作是,幫助馬尼拉政府做交通管理、廢棄物管理等,但其實每一個市,都有自治的範圍。
馬尼拉最有名的是交通,雖然最近被印尼雅加達超前,成為世界第二交通堵塞最嚴重的城市,其實這些都是多年來缺乏良好的都會規劃造就而成的。除了人為不佳的規畫之外,也可以看到馬尼拉兩邊都有海灣,本身的水路也多,其實有點像一個島嶼,另外,同時也位處地震帶而常有一些天然災害。除了環境上的問題,在菲律賓有很多不平等的情況,例如受教權、收入、性平等,甚至少部分的人掌握大部分的財富。這也讓很多人對於成長非常快速的大城市(馬尼拉)有負面的印象,像是Monocle雜誌做了專題,但他們卻不知道如何包裝、呈現城市的文化層面,最後報導依舊跟阻塞的交通、貧窮髒亂的環境相關。所以其實我們也不需要為河川帶來更大的壓力,但必須考慮到Pasig River位於馬尼拉的市中心,流經馬尼拉的五個城市,這條河流本身有其歷史意義,是馬尼拉最早的生命起源、經濟命脈、具備豐富的環境資源以及生物多樣性等。此外Pasig River也提供另外的交通要道,讓我們不單只有汽車的交通選項,還有船運選項,因此這就是專案所要針對處理的。

理羅.紐 ── 王城區是最早西班牙殖民地的城市,唐人街就在城牆之外,許多創新都在這邊發生,例如馬尼拉雙年展。雙年展的發起人是卡洛斯・賽爾德然 (Carlos Celdran),他每天帶人參觀、介紹整個城鎮,是一位行為藝術家,甚至能以交換東西的方式,換取免費帶旅客參觀城鎮,是很有趣的體驗。
茱莉亞.內布里佳 ── 左上角的照片是街頭活動,我們希望每周都舉辦,吸引更多人回到這個具有歷史的地方,雖說它是著名的歷史景點,但對很多菲律賓人、馬尼拉居民而言,就只是校外教學的地方,一輩子只去一次而已。上面中間及右邊的照片,是兩個不同專案,但是由同一個建築公司舉辦,中間的照片是書店的計畫,右手邊的是人類學建築的節日,主要希望能活用閒置空間與舊城市裡的空間,吸引更多人前往。菲律賓主要信仰天主教,但下面中間這張圖主要是在王城區,這個地方有七個最古老的國家級教堂,民眾若要參加大彌薩時就會來到這個地方,尤其是每年十二月舉辨的大型宗教活動。
理羅.紐 ── 另外,我們談到河對岸的埃斯科達就是唐人街,它本身就有自己的碼頭,也河流運輸的物資集散地,若要發展渡輪的話非常方便。目前它是一個創新基地,可以來這邊可以享受不同的美食,主要是四、五年前有一些藝術家來到這裡租用老屋空間,並與在地店家一同思考如何活化閒置空間。上圖中是一個一樓店面,閒置非常久,藝術家將其轉化為市集,當時還沒有裝潢,地板還是水泥地,鋪地毯後就開始賣自己的東西。
茱莉亞.內布里佳 ── 剛剛提到的市集,後來這個藝術家團體,除了展示他們的藝術品之外,也把較不正式的市集轉化成正式的店面,並幫助新創的公司在還沒有能力負擔店租的狀況下,以短期的租約讓他們承租為自己的店面。
理羅.紐 ── 這空間最早主要是很多人來購買原物料、五金產品的地方,有點像較大型的大稻埕,隨著這幾年大批年輕人進駐,開始舉辦不同活動。這張圖上有Escolta Block Party的活動,透過不同創意的方式活化空間。
茱莉亞.內布里佳 ── 其實這些老城區有既有的街景和文化,它本身就已經非常活絡,也包括具有吸引力的東西,像是裝飾風(Art Deco)的建築風格等。這幾年,有新的一代在此舉辦新的活動,像剛剛提到的舉辦街區派對,常常吸引上萬的人次參加,所以年輕人以創意的方式,帶入新的活動進駐既有風格的老街區。另外,我跟Leeroy的工作室也在這棟樓裡,是跟別人共享的辦公室。 接下來談的第三個社區是在馬卡蒂(Makati),如果大家有去過馬尼拉,可能就比較熟悉,它本身是一個較現代的區域,屬於商業財經中心,但是它位於市中心偏外圍的地方,過往的歷史有很多不同的演變,但最近的身份是菲律賓的紅燈區。其實這個區域歷史悠久,這座城市最老的教堂也在此。另外,很多傳統小吃與舞蹈也是發源於此,但同時又是紅燈區,有風化的商業活動。現在有一些新的文化活動也進駐於此。
理羅.紐 ── 因地理位置關係,租金較便宜,加上過去特種行業的關係,一些藝術家、外國人被吸引到這邊,因此有一些新的文化活動、新潮的酒吧等等,慢慢發展成像是市中心外的衛星城鎮,有越來越多的創意活動發生。 隨著新的創意文化活動進入,例如左上角Fringe Manila的活動,今年已經是第三年舉辦了,很多人晚上會去那小酌一杯、去享受音樂、跳舞和活動等等,世界各地的人也都會慕名而來,對社區帶來非常好的發展,是可以交流各地視野的地方。
茱莉亞.內布里佳 ── 剛提到Fringe Manila,其實全世界都在發生,其主要精神是由街邊各種不同的藝廊一起參與的活動。因為街區本身是紅燈區的關係,所以有很多閒置的辦公空間,但後來都被轉化為藝廊或創意中心,帶來很多臨時性、一次性的表演,也吸引更多人。另外像世界性的音樂活動,當他們來到菲律賓,也是在馬卡蒂舉辦。 在這三個社區中,我們除了跟在地的夥伴合作之外也常走訪這些地方,了解在地視野,或藉由搭乘馬尼拉的渡輪,試著從河的角度了解這些社區,並以都市規劃的角度來重新連結河流與城市。
理羅.紐 ── 其實這條河流本身是人為災害,特別在夏季它非常臭,任何垃圾都被丟進去,有時候甚至有浮屍,所以在菲律賓,大家對於河流的印象就是不好的、髒亂的、髒臭的。
茱莉亞.內布里佳 ── 當你親眼看到這條河流的時候,裡面就是浮滿垃圾,因為整個大馬尼拉都會區並沒有一套全面性的排泄物管理機制,很多大樓廢汙水都直接排放到河流中。所以當我們跟大家說要試著從河流的角度,重新審視我們跟空間的關係時,很多人是非常驚訝的,因為大部分的人們認為河流像是垃圾堆,而不會想到河流是生活環境的一部分。
理羅.紐 ── 其實在馬尼拉有深遠的海洋、河流文化,早期城市的發源是仰賴河流,周邊有許多相關的節慶、慶典、宗教、遊行等等,所以當我們說要重新開始關注這條河流時是有歷史脈絡的。
茱莉亞.內布里佳 ── 接下來介紹的計劃是讓更多的人、社區居民與河流連結的案子。這是其中一個活動,是馬尼拉的一個帆船俱樂部,他是最古老的一個娛樂空間,但後來也被閒置,所以我們在這邊舉辦了野餐活動,邀請大家各自帶不同的食物來分享。其實那天非常炎熱,但是在河岸旁其實很涼爽,因為旁邊有河有風,大家不敢想像竟然在大都會區的中心,可以有這麼好的休閒活動。
理羅.紐 ── 這個〈馬尼拉的外星人〉(Aliens of Manila)是我之前的作品,是利用回收材料做成服裝,當初是請朋友穿著做展示,後來Julia提出可以用假人沿著河流做展示。
茱莉亞.內布里佳 ── 這其實是實驗性的嘗試,因為我沒有申請任何的許可,有點像打遊擊,沿著河流任意擺放在五個不同地方展示這些服裝,然後看看人們的反應。
理羅.紐 ── 這本身跟地景是格格不入的裝置,當初也是希望能吸引在地居民,讓他們看看平時忽略的角落,不過其實蠻成功的,因為開始有人圍繞在假人旁,甚至有小孩開始跟假人玩,到了晚上,假人跟作品都已經解體了,我覺得這個方式也不錯,因為格格不入而吸引居民的目光,讓他們看到理所當然的街景。

茱莉亞.內布里佳 ── 另外,剛提到的音樂祭,之前除了在馬卡蒂之外,我們也把他帶到王城區。這個空間是殖民時期在水岸邊的軍營,但閒置已久,廣場目前是停車場,建築裡擺堆了廢棄物,所以我們透過一整天的活動,為這個空間帶來不一樣的功能。
理羅.紐 ── 我們用創意的方式去活化軍營還有整個廣場空間,當時預算非常有限,大約只有四百美金,所以我們又回到中國城和五金老街去找一些免費或便宜的材料。像剛剛看到的招牌都是我們用踏腳墊釘起來的,用許多不同材料製成的裝置也變成我們表演的場域。要在經費有限的情況下要做六到七個不同的裝置,這一切都非常不真實,像打遊擊一樣。
茱莉亞.內布里佳 ── 我們花了兩到三周的時間,計劃這個活動,當然大多是仰賴其他合作夥伴之間的分享,在舉辦活動後,音樂祭主辦單位看到未來的潛力,因此會持續在此舉辦這個活動,他們也用我們影片去進行宣傳,傳達未來這邊的廣場、軍營古蹟,除了商業化的活動之外,其實是希望將它建構成一個創意的中心。
理羅.紐 ── 然後我再介紹另外兩個計畫,這個叫〈漂浮〉(Floating) 。其實Julia對河流非常著迷,最早是她帶我去坐渡輪藉此更接近河流。一般在菲律賓長大的人,對於河流就是負面印象,覺得又髒又臭,但多坐幾次之後,發現有些地方其實很漂亮。所以我們就有了一個想法,將它變成漂浮的裝置、雕塑,但同時也是舞台,由渡輪拉著這個漂浮島沿著河流一路流下,吸引周邊居民到河的兩岸觀看。
茱莉亞.內布里佳 ── 最主要是我們有跟政府單位、沿岸的居民開工作坊,討論想要呈現什麼主題,他們常常希望符合在地特色,也從那邊發想表演內容。其實最初的想法是要創造沿著河往下流的表演空間,可以吸引更多人的目光,讓他們真正看到這條河流。在影片的最後大概有七到五個標誌,那是我們必須要經各單位審核才可以辦這樣的活動,因為這條河流經總統官邸,所以包括總統的維安單位、海巡的許可等單位都要許可才行。

理羅.紐 ── 當然我們要向各單位申請許可,但是沒有任何單位出錢,都是靠我們自己,以及用自己的時間去做這些事情,我們也了解到如何活用各種不同的資源。所以大多數都是仰賴很多獨立藝術家一起跟在地社區協商,才可以做表演與呈現。
茱莉亞.內布里佳 ── 這些事必須要由我們主動跟政府提出,不然政府單位永遠不會有創新的想法。這一點就如同之前跟環境資源部官員討論另外的計劃時,他們看到我才馬上聯想到〈馬尼拉的外星人〉。所以其實我們必須也要跟政府合作,才能做一些更有創意的東西,而過去的活動是為了讓我們有更多經驗處理接下來的計畫。
接下來這個計畫〈巴石藝術都市改造〉(Pasig Art for Urban Change),當時我加入一個大都會區的官方開發單位,我才了解到其實沿岸有很多抽水站,抽水站就是在淹水的時候把水抽進河流中,它對我們的人身安全扮演著很重要的角色,但是我們平常不會注意到這樣的建設。所以那時就想讓大家看到這些被忽略的空間和建設,我們把它轉化成像藝術家的畫布並公開募集提案,我們收集四十幾位藝術家的提案,甚至最終評選出優勝的作品。我們的單位有接洽[02:08:38.59]即英國的服務處,因為他們在全世界都有贊助相關的創意活動,另外,因為這些都是大量體的建築物,而抽水站本身的環境條件也不是很好,所以我馬上聯絡Leeroy來評估和嘗試看看這是否可行,最後Leeroy的嘗試變成我們的範例,證明這個計畫是可行的。後來我們除了有英國服務處的贊助之外,也找到一些私人機構贊助,另外,顏料部分也是菲律賓的顏料廠商無償提供的,Leeroy也號召更多的藝術家參與策展團隊,讓整個計劃不單只是政府部門的計畫而已。
很高興之前贊助我們的公家機關今年再次贊助我們,而且是擴大計畫的範圍。另外,國家的文化單位也開始規劃明年後將每年舉辦Pasig River的藝術節。

理羅.紐 ── 我非常樂見於透過這些運動讓藝術家的能量和創意,作為解決社會議題的工具,並且透過行動和更活躍的參與改善我們居住工作的環境,畢竟城市並不是一個很簡單、平面的地方,它還有許多面向需要被看到,並經由解決讓整個城市變得更好。
茱莉亞.內布里佳 ── 今天的主題,其實對我們來說是要如何創造文化的景色,我們是透過合作以及各種不同的活動、利用手邊既有資源,來證明這些都是可行的,一旦證明之後,才有辦法拓展規模,然後達到像是「運動化」的程度。
〈漂浮〉(Floating) https://vimeo.com/133753531
〈巴石藝術都市改造〉(Pasig Art for Urban Change) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szT_SIOkQ9w

Manila is most famous for its traffic, though Jakarta, Indonesia has been chasing its tail and winning over the title of becoming the second city that has the most jammed traffic, and this is due to the lacking of good urban design. Pasig River is at the city center of Manila and flows through 5 cities in Manila. This river holds historical meaning and is the earliest origin of life, veins of the economics in Manila, with its abundant environmental resource and biodiversity. Moreover, Pasig River provides another vital traffic route; gives us not only the options of traveling with cars but also with ships.
Intramuros is the earliest Spanish colonized city, Chinatown is just outside its walls and tons of innovations happen here, such as the Manila Biennial. The initiator of Manila Biennial is Carlos Celdrann. He is a performance artist. He makes tours of this area every week and introduces the town and even takes visitors to explore the town without charge but by exchanging things. Another place is Escolta which is at the center of Chinatown across the river has its wharf and is a place where supplies come and go from. It is a place where it could quickly develop as a ferry dock. It is now an innovation base and a place where people could come here to enjoy the different cuisine. Some artists rented old houses four or five years ago, discussing how to rejuvenate the areas with local business owners. Artists came here and repurposed these unused shops to a marketplace. Without any decoration, floor remains concrete floor, they would start selling their items right on the floor with a rug.
Later on, this artist group turned the market a place where not only to exhibit their artworks but also transformed a few casual markets into official storefronts. They also helped some innovation companies which were not able to pay for full rent with shorter term lease, for them to have their own commercial space. With its street view and culture, these old town districts are already very active with their attractive things such as Art Deco style architecture. The activities that happened in these past few years also attracted tens of thousands of people to come. The younger generation brought their creativities into the old town where already has its style with exciting events. Our offices are in this neighborhood too; it’s a shared office.
The next community we are going to talk about is in Makati City – a slightly modern area and belongs to a commercial center. It is, however, situated on the outskirts of the city center with tosses and turns in its history, and the latest is being a red light district. On top of that, it is the root for many traditional snacks and dances, numbers of budded activities also start to happen here. Considering its geographical position, the rent here is somewhat affordable. People like artists and foreigners would be drawn to here, making new cultural events, hip bars then gradually, a place like this becomes a satellite city to the city center, inviting more and more creative activities. For instance, Fringe Manila has come to its third term, plenty of people go there to have a drink, enjoy the music, and dance. People all over the world come for its popularity, hence bringing the community good development, a place where people could exchange different perspectives and visions with a different culture.
We work in these three communities not only to collaborate with our local partners, understand local perspectives, but also try to understand these communities in the standpoint of the river with rides on ferries in Manila, reconnecting the river and the city with the angle of urban design. Pasig river encounters its problem with artificiality disaster. The river stinks in the summer due to trash and sometimes even floating cadaver; consequently, the rivers in the Philippines are marked with a bad name for their uncleanness and the reek. Manila isn’t equipped with a holistic septic system, resulting waste from buildings would go into the river. That’s why people were shocked when we told people that we are going to re-evaluate our relationship between human and space through the river because most of them think of the river as a pile of trash and not part of our living environment. Be that as it may, Manila holds a long history of oceanic and river culture. The development of cities in earlier times was dependent of the river, around the river were interrelated festivals, celebrations, religions, and parades, which are the reason why we need to reconsider and focus on the rivers’ historical footprint.
〈Aliens of Manila〉is originally Leeroy’s project – in which he recycled materials and made them into outfits. We started asking our friends to wear these costumes to showcase, then the idea of using mannequins and stage them along the river came to our mind. It was an experiment. We didn't ask for a permit, so it’s more of a guerrilla movement. Through the awkwardness of the installation’s contradiction to the urban landscape, we wanted to attract locals and show them some places that were forgotten. The success came to us unexpectedly – people surrounded the mannequins; some kids were playing with them. At night, the work and mannequins were fallen-apart. The way this work was sitting right with us, the inaptness drew the residents and acts as a way to see the taken-for-granted street view with sets of fresh eyes.
The other two projects, one we call it〈Floating〉. People who grew up in the Philippines think of rivers negatively of them as dirty and smelly. After a few rides on the ferry though, it’s not hard to see some of its beauty. We came up with an idea to make a floating installation, at the same time, a stage that is towed by a ferry along the river and engage residents around to see from shores and afar. We did workshops with governmental sectors and residents, discussing the theme we wanted to present. They wanted to have a local spin on it, and that’s the direction what and how we thought toward. The initial idea was to create a performance space that goes along the river to attract more attention, to let them really “see” the river. The end of the documentation video shows five to seven symbols showing how we had to have different sectors’ approval to make an event like this, for instance, the river flows through the President Mansion; we had to have the permission from the president’s security and the coast guards.
Surely we have to apply for permission from different sectors, but we entirely finance ourselves without any of their help. We spend our own time to do these projects, and that's also how we understand the ways to administer various resources springily. Most of the time we depend on independent artists to negotiate with local communities; we have to bring ideas up with the government, or else they won’t go an extra mile to think of something innovative. We have to work with our government to make things more creative, and the past events are to give up more experience to handle what’s coming.
The next project〈Pasig Art for Urban Change〉is a project about the pumping stations along the river. The pumping station drains overflowing water into the river, plays a vital role in our security; however, itʼ s usually invisible to our eyes. Thatʼ s why we want to make these neglected places and infrastructure visible by turning them into artists' canvas via an open call. We have received more than 40 artistsʼ proposals and picked the winning ones. Later we not only received the British Council's sponsorship but some private institutions’ ; the paints were from a paint company in the Philippines without any charge. We urge and invite more artists’ participation, to expand the project’s scope beyond just governmental. Our recent governmental sponsorship gave us a hand this year again. We expand the compass of the project; our national culture sector is also planning to hold the Pasig River Festival annually.
We are happy to see how these movements are helping artists’ energy and creativity surge, acting as a tool to solve social issues, and with engagement and more active participation, to better our living and working environment. After all, a city is not a simple, flat establishment; it’s many faces are still needed to be seen and improve by solving problems. The theme “Cultural Data”, to us, is to know how to create culture scape. Through collaboration and various events, using of resources at hand to prove the feasibility and once proved, it’s only possible to expand the scope and reach the degree of a “movement.”
〈Floating〉 https://vimeo.com/133753531
〈Pasig Art for Urban Change〉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szT_SIOkQ9w