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【建築之外Beyond Architecture|講座詳記】建築之外:幾個觀察 Beyond Architecture: Few Observations

講者 Speaker:侯君昊 Hou, June-Hao


我本身不是建築背景,所以「建築之外」這件事情對我來說非常自然,要跟大家分享的也是以非典型建築背景的角度來看這些年來的建築議題。我們在看關於秩序和模式時, 人對於捕捉秩序跟模式有非常特別的能力, 會不自主地快速捕捉任何有秩序或模式的事情。對比一張墨西哥高密度住宅區空照圖和一張電路板地圖,這兩張圖是兩個完全不同的東西,但它們都面臨 類似的事情──將集合式、高密度的東西聚集在一起,其中必須解決通訊、交通與流量,以及高密度帶來的熱量問題。接著一張芝加哥大都會區的照片,如果我們從數量來對比這個最新的電腦裡頭所裝的 Intel CORE i7 的晶片,裡面有七億三千萬個晶體,能處理不論是從硬到軟、從實體到虛體的軟體作業系統的 執行。呈現出人類社會所進行高度複雜、密度極高的事情,被具體實踐在電子世界裡。








今天如果真的要追尋對於秩序、法則的掌握的話,不只推到剛創造電腦的時候,我們可以推得更早。大約1757年莫札特的時代,他們就在做這些事情了。當時皇室經常要他們每天作一首小步舞曲,曲需要量產,但量產背後的每一首又要不一樣,所以就想到投機取巧的方法──只要先作好很多小步舞曲的片段,用擲骰子來決定怎麼演奏就好。這叫作「musical dice game」,是人類在研究規律法則時非常有名的例子。可以猜想因為音樂是一種單向度的時間藝術,所以音樂家很早就掌握序列化特性,也才有所謂的和聲學,音再怎麼配,只要考慮到音高、音長和時間的關係就好,不用考慮二維或三維,所以早在還沒有數位化與數字掌握的時代,人類就可以掌握這個規律。像這類的工具在設計領域或非建築領域的視覺領域、音樂領域其實已經非常多,像我大學時就已經開始玩電腦音樂,結果我是到開始教書的時候才開始教有關建築的、電腦的參數化工具。這樣似乎有點晚了,但對於建築領域的人來說這好像是很新、很棒的工具,所以我發現還有很多很有趣的事可以從別的領域借鏡。

Architect V.S. 建築

這時候回過頭來看建築師,這幾年我一直在想,職業或既定印象中對於「建築師」這三字或英文「Architect」的想像、期待,以及身上所背負的職責、能力、 培養和教育,其實有很多的事情值得我們思考。我喜歡用英文而非用中文,因 為建築師三個字在說建築物的建築師,但Architect這個字在英文裡說的不盡然只是建築物的建築師, 而是可以把複雜的系統或問題用自己的專業能力整合後擬出一個最適合的解決方案,並符合使用這個複雜系統的使用者需求的人,擁有 這個能力基本上就可以被稱為 Architect。


現在大家喜歡光雕的原因並不只是因為建築立面上面投影了一些動畫, 而是利用光線的幻象改變了建築物原本不能動的印象,活過來後也容易講故事、說歷史。現在有許多領域內的人開始挑戰把建築的概念拉的更遠,比如說麥可・福克斯(Michael Fox),他利用泡泡佔據空間,人多的時候泡泡會把空間讓出來, 人少的時候泡泡會將空間佔據。他之所以要挑戰建築物會動這件事,是因為經常聽到建築師或建築系的老師與學生們在抱怨建築就只能被動地接收, 只能使用市面上有的產品或工法。但他反問為甚麼不去創造並開始改變你的角色?福克斯所談的是與其抱怨不如投身創造還未存在的東西。



再往下挖掘,出於想要了解名建築師是怎麼想建築這件事情,早年就有所謂「shape grammar」、「space syntax」,或稱「設計語法」。我們嘗試描述設計師的思考,並整理規律及進行研究。不斷的用電腦或工具來驗證這個世界是在科學界一直再進行的事情,而現在設計界也在進行,回到設計這件事,大家都忘了還有一個很重要的詞──設計科學。其實現在全球的設計教育中還蠻缺乏設計科學的教育,包含對於這個世界、自然界、人類社會、數學、心理學、社會學的基本認識,然而在國外開始有老師警覺了這些學科的重要性。在設計領域裡,我們與世界的接觸其實是有點偏狹的,因為很多人會覺得有些很新的東西還不是我們需要接觸的。剛剛說到一些數學法則,是幾百年前就由植物學家提出來的,所以現在可以很快地模擬各種植物。像是被用爛的「voronoid」,這背後到底只是取用它的樣子,還是真的明白原理?如果真的知道原理,就進到「design science」,但如果只是拿來用,大概就只是一個重視視覺感覺的淺白設計而已。

現在設計科學生可以用比較數學、科學的工具,以簡短的參數方程式描述就描述完以往耗時的建模和一連串操作做出的形體。然而這簡短的參數方程式並非與人無關,也就是說在創造方程式的同時,方程式也在幫是在幫忙描述你的思考,當你掌握了方程式,它就像個黑盒子,你可以自由改變它,不像過去耗時費工的程序是難以回溯的。我們過去做了一些有趣的創作,這是我們和一群ETH Zurich的學生所做的,概念是從中國山水畫來的,山水畫要轉成一樣東西其實是令人匪夷所思的,不過因為他們想用的是山水畫中虛無縹緲、留白的概念,所以能看到很多格柵式的格子,裡頭的格片都非常通透,但當它多層相疊後是不通透的,企圖在通透卻不通透中找到平衡點。








Orders and Models

I do not come from an architectural background, so “Beyond Architecture” is natural to me, and I want to share with you my observations on architectural issues over the past few years from an unconventional architectural perspective.

When we look at orders and models, we have a unique ability to capture orders and models, and we cannot help to quickly notice things that have some kind of orders or models. Let’s compare the pictures of a densely populated residential area in Mexico and a circuit board, these two are entirely different things, but they all face a similar situation – when gathering high-density things that are congregated, we must solve the problems of communication, traffic, and flow, as well as the issue of heat that comes with high density. Another picture here shows the metropolitan area of Chicago. If we compare it to the number of Intel CORE i7 chips installed in this latest computer, there are 730 million chips, which are capable of processing the execution of software operating systems from hard to soft, and from physical world to virtual world. Human society’s activities with high complexity and density are concretely realized in the electronic world.

Visible and Invisible Orders

We often learn from architecture history various proportions and their symbolic significances. For example, the number, height, proportion, and style of pillars in an ancient Greek or Roman temple would be determined depending on which god the temple worshipped. Our visual perception and cognition are trained to learn the ways to tell things apart through various numbers and proportions, and start to get use to visible models and relations; it is like, growing up, we always feel that nature has certain laws. In today’s design industry, there are wonderful tools that help us capture, create, or reproduce such laws, and these tools give us the opportunity to put our thoughts or various laws we learned from the natural world into real and manufacturable scales and spaces. Sometimes the complexity of an idea your brain came up with would exceed the level of operability, but today, with the assistance of good tools, as long as we can come up with an idea, the tools have ways to help us materialize it. As for invisible orders, like the lines of magnetic force, you need to sprinkle iron filings, or else you will not be able to see the lines. It goes beyond the world human can see through their eyes, but we need to take a step further to learn and understand that a force actually exists behind it. I believe this type of invisible forces is an important factor that is currently driving the world, and they are everywhere. Many things have been refined and influenced through time to produce these products, regardless of tides, waves, or various types of weathering, they are the assemblies of various forces.

Architect vs. Architecture

Now, let’s refocus on architect. I have been thinking for these few years, about the existing vocational or stereotypical imaginations and expectations for the word “architect,” or its mandarin equivalent, as well as the duty, ability, upbringing, and education of one; there are actually many things worth our consideration. I like to use the English word instead of the Chinese term, because in Chinese, it means the person who builds, but in English, the word “architect” means more than just that person who builds. Architect may refer to a person who utilizes own professional capability to integrate complicated systems or issues and come up with the most appropriate solution, which meets the demands of the user of this complicated system. A person with this ability can be referred to as an architect.

Light sculpture is popular today not because it projects some animation onto the façades of buildings; rather, it utilizes the illusion of light to change the impression that buildings cannot move; once they come to life, it is easier for them to tell stories and share their history. Currently, people from many disciplines are beginning to take on the challenge of stretching farther the concept of architecture. For example, Michael Fox uses bubbles to occupy space; when there are more people, the bubbles would cede the space to them, and when there are few people, the bubbles would take over the space. The reason why he wants to challenge the idea that architecture cannot move is that he has frequently heard architects or architecture professors and students complain that architecture could only passively receive, they could only use existing products and techniques available in the market. He turns around and asks, why not create or start changing your roles? What Fox is talking about is, instead of complaining, you should really go and invent things that do not exist yet.

Reconnection, Re-Correspondence, and Augmentation

Reconnection and re-correspondence may likely be our next major issues. The concepts of so-called “remapping” and reinterpretation, are important as we deal with various design information today. The last issue is about the aspect of augmentation. The human body has many sensory systems, and when our brain receives the information, it knows the environment that the body is in. What if we applied this concept to an entire city? If there were all kinds of sensors that could learn the situations in a city, perhaps decisions could be made about all the things going on in the city? Hypothetically speaking, if all of you sitting here spread your neural networks around the world, you would no longer just perceive the temperature here, and just see me; you would enter a world of multiple perceptions, and everyone could perceive what they wanted to perceive. What exactly would that kind of state be? The truth is we are almost there. It perhaps is the so-called IoT (Internet of Things), but right now the IoT remains too industrial. To me, the IoT is not just an industry, its relationship with our future civilization and culture is far greater than its relationship with the industry. Augmentation, it is really about us and other people.

In the past, I participated in overseas competitions on issues of social housing and rooftop illegal structures; when the house was built, I discovered that over 500 sensors were installed in the house for a family of four, and when it could sense the temperature and humidity at every corner in every room, the status of the doors and windows, the temperature of appliances, power consumption, and the power generated by solar panels, I suddenly felt like it was a living organism. The house knew everything it had, and we also had an opportunity to know everything about it. What we need to ask now are: when house can take care of itself, what does it need to take care of and how? I think these are the real questions to ask. We are quite insensitive when it comes to numbers. When we see a bunch of numbers, we do not necessarily understand what they mean; we can only find out after we put the numbers in context. Once data is connected with meaning, our mind will get the understanding on scenario and story, including whether the number has a chance to be reinterpreted, and whether the things inside can be converted into another relationship.

The next even greater problem: AI is coming. It instantly takes over works belonging to the labor class, and does them much faster. In the past, we needed 80 hours to formulate a plan, it takes only 8 seconds now. This is not a bad development, because we are about to find out whether, when men are engaged in creative endeavors, we actually spend a lot of time doing labor works which is really not that helpful to our creativity, and is just simple repetitions. Then we can slowly move onto social contributions, such as the “AirBox” project. Taiwan is currently the country with the highest density of sensors in the world . We can now trace back to air quality in past years, as well as the direction of the air pollution after factoring in the direction of the wind. We realize that, places we found to have great air quality and sceneries were perhaps the most polluted. Because of sedimentation, pollution in the north would be blown to a certain mountain area in the south, and the particulates settle down. These are things we did not know in the past because we had no such information.

What has it to do with architecture? What exactly is the relation between climate, microclimate, and architecture? Of course, they are related. When we do wind direction simulation and thermal simulation, the one thing that bothers us the most is that the official data is not detailed enough. We have insufficient data density. This is why we need to pay attention to microclimate conditions. There are too much data students of design should be concerned with to begin with, but there are too few people engaged in design in this area. Looking back, we have to ask, we have just talked about so many things, and there seems to have some new ideas and some old issues; but if we stretch the scope, some of these things are related to social concern, environmental concern, new tools, and new thinking. I hope that, through this topic, we can think about what kind of communities, abilities, and hobbies, are perhaps associated with the things we just mentioned, and consider some new things together.

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