2018 年 4 月 28 日
本工作坊將於入場時,即以「某種角色」進入論壇的提問、工作坊的反思與最後產出製作,在「假設角色」的情境裡,以「1:50的空總模型」為輔助工具,每一組團隊以 5 頁簡報產出 2-5 的空間認養原型(prototypes),快速收納空總從受眾類性的光譜,作為往後空總軟體與構築需求的探究基底,建立未來的社會事務所。

[ 策劃團隊 ]

團隊自 2012 年開始,即以虛擬社群「cxcity」針對群眾跨域建築、城市與環境議題,發展群眾參與議題的模式,並於 3 年後成功引領「OPTOGO外帶台灣,前進米蘭世博」設計外交計畫,為世界首次民眾自主發起(bottom-up)的世界博覽會參展紀錄,而今年欲於世界衛生大會(WHA)期間,於日內瓦策展「無國界醫院」;為延續改變臺灣的社會期盼與能量,至今仍營運多項長期計畫「Taiwan ReDesign」、「Citizen of Tomorrow 未來市民」、「佰人事務所」、「Open Design Day」,企圖指引出臺灣未來的改變方向。
Netizen Productions guide the masses to make "productions”. Through many immediate actions on the spot, Netizen Productions has made it possible to professionalize the masses, and at the same time has urged the masses to respond to social issues from a professional perspective. We are a mercenary force of the changes expected in society. We actively initiate actions and challenges in response to important domestic and international issues (design diplomacy, design changes). The cases, activities, and produced-meanings of Netizen Productions are focus on strategy, planning, also the visual depiction and execution of society. Since 2012, Netizen Productions has targeted the masses interdisciplinary architecture and urban environmental issues, developing the model for mass participation in the issues with virtual communities “cxcity”. After three years, the team successfully led the "One Pavilion To Go, OPTOGO” design diploma project, which was the first time in the world for common people to initiate a bottom-up world exposition. This year, the team want to curate the “Borderless Hospital” in Geneva to during the World Health Assembly (WHA). To continue changing Taiwan’s social aspirations and energy, a number of long-term plans are still in operation today: “Taiwan ReDesign”, “Citizen of Tomorrow”, “From One to All Foundation”, and “Open Design Day, trying to guide out the changing direction of Taiwan in the future.