【棲居之事 Habitat Matters|講座詳記】棲居之事╱棲居知識 Habitat Matters╱Habitat Knowledge
講者 Speaker:洪廣冀 Hung, Kuang-Chi

如果對生態的歷史有興趣的話,強烈推薦各位看美國環境史家Donald Worster出版的《Nature's Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas》。這些段落是我從書中擷取的,它說本書要釐清生態學的來龍去脈,甚至要追溯到生態學命名和有歷史之前,Ecology到1866年才出現,而且在100年後才被廣泛使用,其中又說生態學的思想形成於它有名字之前,它的近代歷史始於18世紀,當時它是以一種更為複雜的觀察地球生命結構方式出現的,是探求一種把地球上的生物描述成具有內在聯繫的整體觀點,這個觀點在當時雖然當時沒有Ecology這個字,可是他們叫做「自然的經濟體系」。而做為一位歷史學家,看到「自然的經濟體系」又會開始追問,在十七八世紀的人們在思考如何把地表上所有活著的人們想像成一個整體的時候不會用Ecology這個字,可是他們使用「Nature's Economy」這個字的時候,到底什麼叫「經濟」?這個「經濟」和當代的「經濟」有什麼不同?我現在就用這張圖來說明什麼是十八九世紀所謂的「Nature's Economy」是什麼。

下一張圖就是Nature's Economy出現時的根本意義。這是一個對於英國鄉間的描寫:牛吃了草,產出排泄物,排泄物被更小的生物消化,然後人在把牲畜吃掉。在這個體系裡沒有一樣東西是被浪費的,所有東西都以不同的形式相互轉換與流動並且被妥善利用。Nature's Economy反映的是一種十七世紀的伊甸園世界觀,人被造物者創造並成為花園的守護者,萬物也都是被創造出來被人類所使用並具有意義。
這張圖也是在表達當時人們如何想像自然,在Nature's Economy的觀點下這邊是講Flora despensing her favors on the earth,Flora現在翻成「植物相」,這個字最早期是一位女神的名字,這位女神在地表上飛行的過程中會看到不同地理區的生態特性和環境特性,接著把各式各樣的物種撒在地表,這想強調的是每一個物種跟環境之間都有非常緊密的聯繫。在自然界中的Nature's Economy其實是有效率的並被造物者精巧設置的,這就是Ecology這個字在十七八世紀最早出現時的意思,強調所有的物種都是活在一個整體中,彼此間緊密相連,若少了一個物種,自然就會崩塌。
可是這樣的見解當然會受到影響。圖右有一個討厭的大叔,他掀開了具有六個乳房的女人身上的衣服。剛剛這種造物者的世界觀有其影響力,可是啟蒙時代的理性精神則是對Nature's Economy的觀念造成很大的衝擊和影響。自然在科學面前再也不是一位女神,再也不具有神秘力量並超越人類理解的意志。科學的精神開始認為自然不論再豐饒(六個乳房)、再神聖,作為一個科學家或思想家最大的目的就是要揭開這層面紗,暴露自然的秘密。所以這張圖的標題就是〈The Philosopher Uncovering Nature and Her Laws〉,當時的Philosopher相當於現在的科學家,他就是要強調自然雖是精巧,可是作為一個研究者和科學家不能只讚嘆它的精巧,而是要揭開面紗,接露內在的規則和秘密,使大眾了解。

不過以理性、實驗、科學的方式張顯自然界內部規矩的見解也很快地受到挑戰。這可以說生態學從早期伊甸園式的生態學進到下一個階段,這個階段我們通常稱為羅曼蒂克式的生態學(受浪漫主義影響),其中一位代表學者就是十九世紀上半葉最重要的地理學家洪堡(Alexander von Humboldt)。洪堡結合了剛剛兩種觀點,開始說明若把自然想像成機械,以科學的方式拆解成各個部分來探究自然,是無法讓我們了解自然界中的規矩與法則的。他開始強調自然是一個整體,裡頭的所有環環相扣,自然界中有一種「力」(energy)在其中不停循環,並賦予了自然整體的性質,這個整體是你沒有辦法將它分割之後去研究、去拼湊就可以了解的。受到浪漫主義影響的生態學家開始強調要怎麼了解自然,而非躲在實驗室裡用科學儀器去了解和分析不同的物種以及個體的生理機能。一個關心自然的學者,應該就要像這首詩所描寫的,你要把自己想像成一個眼球,走到令人害怕的荒野中,你可以做的就是把身體想像成一個能夠探測外在世界的儀器,用你全部的感官測量自然界中整體的運作原則以及自然帶來的啟示。

在二十世紀上半葉出現了兩個非常重要的爭論,這也一直影響到當代台灣關於保育和自然的討論。其中一位領導者是美國總統羅斯福,在他的任內非常有意識地強調美國的自然、森林和土地已經被大資本家破壞殆盡,所以國家作為一個社會公益的捍衛者,就是要將這些自然字源收歸國有,並任命專業的技術官僚來保護自然。其中平秋特(Gifford Pinchot)非常著名,這些專業的技術官僚都是在職業學校裡訓練而來,都在大學念水保、森林、水產、漁業科學等科系,並有各自的想法和工具去計算比如一座森林每年的生產量多少。他們開始把森林想像成銀行,所以只要能夠拿捏和猜測這個自然的大銀行裡的利率有多少,每年只要把利率拿出來的話,應該不會消耗銀行裡的本金。在這個概念下,這座森林應該就可以永續生產,讓世代子孫都可以從中拿到所需的木材,這樣的想法在當時就叫做「保育」。
把自然想像成銀行的見解其實還是會受到挑戰。這個挑戰是,在美國的脈絡裡,謬爾(John Muir)可以說是浪漫主義式自然觀的繼承人,但他同樣和平秋特和羅斯福都認為自然不是沒有所有權歸屬的,它應該要被視為國家的財產,而國家應該要有能力和視野管理自然資源。可是當平秋特把自然想像成銀行時,謬爾把它想像成一座上帝的教堂,要強調的是要將這些特殊景觀收歸國有,讓美國人民能夠活在這座教堂裡,在裡頭體會造物者帶來的啟示。這樣的見解開始對平秋特的保育觀提出批評,很明顯地,自然本身就不是一個銀行,但當你要把一座天然林改造成能夠永續生產的森林時,就是要把不具經濟價值的樹全部砍掉,再種上有經濟價值的、生長快速的樹,透過這樣的方法(法陣化)才有辦法把森林變成一個大銀行。而謬爾這個看法會被理解成一種保存的觀點,就是去談自然也許是奇異雜亂的,但這些都有其價值存在。我們可以做的不是改造它,而是先去欣賞、了解它,才可以在過程中體會到一個被都市化、工業化、資本化的結構趨勢搞得心神不寧的現代人如何在這個地方找到一個寓居之處以及安身立命的所在。
今天強調的「生態學」、「生態系」感覺好像是一門科學,所謂科學就是可以貫穿古今、放諸四海皆準,因為這就是Ecology它所提供的抽象原則,可以讓我們自在地使用於世界各地。這的確是科學,但是不代表科學是沒有歷史的,做為一位科學史研究者更重要的是,我們可以透過科學跟外在社會彼此的糾葛之間習得一些關於在當代世界中我們如何自處,如何找到自己位置的啟示。關於生態系(Ecosystem)這個字眼,當我在念書的時候,當台灣林業界在爭論不應該砍伐天然林的謬爾式概念時,我的老師們都在談一種森林的經營方式──「生態系經營」(Ecosystem Management)。這張十八世紀的圖是想跟大家表達生態系或許沒有想像中的美好和強調人跟自然的和諧關係。圖中有一位目光炯炯有神的自然哲學家把一隻鳥丟到玻璃櫃裡,玻璃櫃裡面有一些抽真空的管線連結到外頭,基本上就是要去研究鳥在真空的幫浦裡面到底可不可以飛起來,不難理解,將鳥丟到幫浦裡把空氣抽掉牠就會死。照我在森林系的理解,生態系完全就是延續先前,用冷酷的姿態揭開六個乳房的自然界女神,它強調的就是那位拉著電線,一路往西去征服荒野的女人。生態系其實是理性精神的延續,把複雜的自然想像成一個機械的系統,系統間的溝通和協調其實是採用能量,所以一個森林的生態系概念要用各式各樣的儀器了解森林中吸收和包含多少能量,透過這個方式去了解各個部分的連結方式,而且可以具體而微地計算能量的流動。
今天回顧的Nature's Economy概念,從最早的伊甸園概念到系統概念中其實有個根本的立場,就是自然其實是外在在那裡的,端看我們如何想像。不論是伊甸園或系統都好,我們要關心的是如何與它產生互動關係,Bruno Latour這位著名學者提出「我們從未現代過」,就是要去思考現代性的定義是否是社會和自然的分離。可是考慮到當代的世界,自然在當代生活中其實沒有像現代論者或現代性提倡者所說的,自然已經從日常生活中被排除,我們面臨到的世界是無法預期的,這些非人的元素以各式各樣的形式滲透在我們的日常生活中,和我們的生活產生互動,所以他就是在這個基礎上提出「我們從未現代過」這個概念,我們從未離開過自然的、非人的東西。如果從這個基礎上來思考,當我們面對所身處的環境,去體認這些自然其實並非外在在那裡,而是內在在我們的生活和思考裡時,我們與這些非人的互動方式可以有不同的想像。

From my point of view, geography is much the same as the topic for today. It is a study of dwelling. I think that people in the art world are more sensible to the new concepts than the researchers in colleges. When facing new concepts, the artists are braver than the researchers. Thus, in the realm of arts, I reconsider a lot regarding simplifying all the things. I have found that art community started to use the term “ecosystem” to describe ecology, and to rethink the relationship between man and nature, man and spaces with the method of intervening and planning. However, as a history researcher, when seeing such intention of curating and strategy, I would start to think why we are using the term “system,” since the relationship between man and nature could appear in various forms. What does “system” mean? There should be a historical explanation behind the term. However, what is it exactly? There have been various ways to read the ecology in history; while “system” appears to be one of them. Thus, the term “ecosystem” has its own history. That is to say, when we take “system” as a principal or a regulation, we have to be keen regarding its historical particularity.
In Nature's Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas, written by American environmental historian Donald Worster, he tried to clarify the context of ecology, and even traced to the origin of binomial nomenclature and the period before written history. The term “ecology” was coined in 1866, and has been widely used a hundred years later. The idea of ecology was formed before it had its name. A modern history of the idea started from 18th century. At that time, it appeared as a more complicated way to observe the structure of life sciences on the Earth. It aimed to describe all the living creatures as intrinsically linked in a holistic view. Although there was not such a term called ecology; they addressed the idea as “natural economic system.” People in the 17th and 18th century did not use the term “ecology” when they have been considering all the living creatures as a whole. However, when they were using “natural economic system,” what it meant by “economic”? How is it different from the modern “economic”?
In these two pictures, on the left one, we can see that there is a child playing with a dog on the ground. The man becomes obese and the woman spends loads of money on clothing. People in this picture apparently did not know how to accurately calculate the relation between income and expenditure. It seems to be a waste; thus, this is not a good condition in terms of economy; while the situation on the right picture presents a better economic condition for people in the 18th century. The dog looks pretty thin in this picture, which emphasizes a good household shall keep the balance between income and expenditure. So, the picture on the right side is the original idea of ecology. The prefix “eco” in ecology was actually derived from economy. However, when we look at the word “economy,” it emphasizes saving and rational calculation, and there should not be anything wasted in the world’s economic system. The natural economic system reflected a 17th century world view of the Garden of Eden. People were created by the Creator, and they shall be guards of the garden. All things were created for mankind, and carry their own significance.
However, in the spirit of enlightenment, people must leave from the Garden of Eden. They no longer enjoyed the world created by the Creator in the Garden of Eden, being free to use all kinds of material and shelter. Instead, they must go out from the Garden of Eden, and face the sinister dark world. In the 19th century, such natural environment was called the wilderness. However, the insight that allowed rationality, experiments and sciences to explain rules of the nature was soon to be challenged. This can be said that ecology has moved from the early Eden-style ecology to the next stage, which we usually call the romantic ecology (affected by Romanticism). One of the representative scholars is Alexander von Humboldt, the most important geographer in the first half of the19th century. He emphasized that nature is an entirety, and all the things were connected inside. There was a sort of “energy” in nature that kept circulating and provided the wholeness to the nature. Such entirety is something that you cannot understand after you divided it. Ecologists influenced by Romanticism began to emphasize how to understand nature, rather than to stay in the laboratory and use scientific instruments to understand and analyze different species and individual physiology. A scholar who cares about nature should take himself as an eyeball and go to the scary wilderness. What you can do is to imagine the body as an instrument that can detect the external world, and measure all the principals in nature and the lessons brought by nature with your all senses.
However, this romantic view of nature soon encountered challenges, and these challenge were very practical and true. There emerged two very important controversies in the first half of the 20th century, which also influenced the discussion regarding issues of conservation and nature in contemporary Taiwan. One of the leaders was US president Franklin Roosevelt. During his tenure, he consciously emphasized that the nature, forests and land of the United States had been destroyed by the capitalists. Therefore, as a defender of social welfare, the state shall take over these natural resources and appoint professional technocrats to protect nature. Among them, Gifford Pinchot imagined the forest as a bank. He believed that as long as he could handle and assume the interest rate in this big bank, taking out interest every year, it shall not consume the principal in the bank. The idea was called “conservation” at the time. However, the idea of portraying nature as a bank could actually be challenged. In the US context, John Muir could be said to be the heir to the romantic view of nature. He obtained the same idea as Pinchot and Roosevelt that nature is still under certain ownership. It should be regarded as the property of the state. And the state should have the ability and vision to manage natural resources. However, when Pinchot considered nature as a bank, Muir took it as a church of God, emphasizing to nationalize all the particular landscape. In this way, the people of U.S.A. were able to live in this church and experience the epiphany provided by the Creator. He criticized Pinchotʼs concept of conservation. Obviously, nature itself was not a bank. When you transformed a natural forest into a sustainable one, you must cut all the trees which were lacking economic value and replace with trees that hold economic value and grow fast.
The concept of the natural economic system that we reviewed today carries a fundamental position during the whole process from the earliest concept of the Garden of Eden to the concept of system. It is that nature is actually there, and the idea of nature depends on our explanation and imagination. Bruno Latour has proposed “we have never been modern” to think about if the idea of modernity refers to the separation of society and nature. In the contemporary world, nature has lost its position in our daily life. The world we are facing is unpredictable. These non-human elements play their roles in our daily life in various forms and interact with our lives. On this basis, he proposed the concept of “we have never been modern”. We have never turned away from natural and non-human things. From this fundamental idea, when we face the environment we situate in, we shall experience that nature is not just out there but existing in our lives and thinking. Once we have such concept, there could be different imagination toward the interaction between human beings and those non-human elements.
What I am trying to say is that if nature is not out there, and we admit that nature is inherently here. We could have more diverse imaginations toward nature, sciences, environmental sciences and ecology itself. Nature does not lie in Beitou or Yangmingshan, but in the places where you live. It appears everywhere, and it’s always there. There are a lot of ways for us to interact with it. This experimental “hub” is more permeable than the close laboratory. Thus, I believe it will be a good start if we can brainstorm together at this particular space.