【棲居之事 Habitat Matteres|講座詳記】我們如何將景觀和環境元素融入城市肌理之中? How Do We Integrate Landscape and Environmental Qu
講者 Speaker:麥可.霍恩 Mike Horne
我本身是從事設計,目前不是教授或是學術背景,我最喜歡的事情就是把人和空間連結,把人帶到這個程序裡去創造一些地景和空間。負育群帶空間,英文是Collective Negative Space,其實對於一個說英文的人而言,我對於他的了解應該是「Public Domain」。其實所謂的公共空間(Public Domain)跟道德、主題都有一點關係,從英文語言來說,這是我們了解空間的方法。所謂公共空間就是城市中如何產生最大化的空間供給市民使用,就如同今天這個場域,過去關閉多年,那我們要如何讓人的身體和想法可以進來到這樣的實驗場域。棲居(habitat)就是人住的地方,就像台北市就是台北人的地盤,那我們要如何把我們的城市變得更好,就是我們今天下午要討論的重點。
地球這個生態系統現在面臨很多威脅,像是人口問題、資源大規模使用與衰竭問題、食物問題、塑膠問題,或者三十年前擔心的原油問題。所有的資源都在急速地用盡中,所以我們應該要重新定義我們的不斷成長中的城市,思考如何讓我們的城市和地球更有韌性,好讓我們可以持續生存已經是個全球性的趨勢。聯合國人居署(United Nations Human Settlements Programme,簡稱UN-HABITAT)本身是一個在做此類相關研究與建設的領導機構,所以身為景觀設計師或建築師,我們主要是在場所、系統與社區裡從事我們的職業。這是我很崇拜的丹麥建築師Jan Gehl,相信城市和場域可以帶來塑造文化的力量。我們覺得如果公共空間可以承載和呈現我們良好的文化水準,一定會讓城市變得更好,而所謂的公共空間和負空間才是我們真正生活、聚集在一起的地方,所以應該不能說是負空間,應該是一個正面的空間。


我們的基礎建設就是將集水區的水打到湖泊裡面,在流進集水區的過程中會有自然性的濾水作用,就像是濕地概念這樣的建設。另外這個公園每年吸引數十萬人來玩的狀態下,要如何創造適合野生動物棲居的地方呢,我覺得這其實很簡單,只要有活水甚麼事情就都活了,所以最重要的就是水。我們剛開始有邀請藝術家參與,但又不要是藝術品,結果最後市政府還是會覺得要加一點藝術品進去,我們是跟Turpin + Crawford Studio 兩位很棒的藝術家合作,他們的回饋對專案來說有很大的幫助。我們蓋了四個濕地,而剛剛三根煙囪那邊是最高的一片濕地,所以從集水區流進來的水是從右上角流進來,周邊很多小塊的溼田就是生態型的自然濾水機制,水流進去後就會被過濾然後流到濕地裡,流到最下面的水池後再將它打到最上面的這片溼地,每年估計是大約330個奧運游泳池場地的水量。剛剛最高的溼地那邊有類似堤壩的設計好讓水流下來做自然的過濾,前一張照片的最上面那塊濕地有像水渠一樣的東西,就是藝術家設計的作品,它用來傳輸水源,並非突兀地立在那邊的藝術品。


I work in the field of design, neither being a professor nor coming from an academic background. Yet, the thing I like the most is to connect people with places and create landscapes and spaces during the process of creation. “Collective Negative Space Village”, for an English speaker, to my understanding, refers to “Public Domain.” It is something relating to ethics, the way how we read spaces and how we produce the maximum space in an urban city for its citizens. Just like this site we are using for today’s event, which is used to be closed for the public for many years, how we can encourage people to enter such an experimental site with both of their bodies and mind? Habitat is where people live, just like Taipei city is the place for people living in Taipei. Then, how can we make our city better? This is the crucial point that we will discuss this afternoon.
Earth as an ecosystem is now facing many threats, such as human overpopulation, resource overconsumption and resource scarcity, food safety, or issues related to plastic and crude oil. All resources are being exhausted. Thus, we should redefine those growing cities and think about how to make our cities and the planet more resilient for use to survive. The United Nations Human Settlements Program is the leading institute doing related research and establishment. Being as landscape designers or architects, we are mainly working in particular spaces, systems or communities and believing cities and sites are able to reshape our culture. However, the so-called public spaces and negative spaces are the places we do live and gather together, and maybe we should not call it as the negative space. A positive space should be a better word to describe its characteristic.
Our company has been taking some urban planning projects for the whole city and some smaller projects. Usually projects in bigger scale are often related to the issues of pollution, environment preservation, or heritage reservation. No matter the projects take place in urban area or rural site, we tries to integrate the urban spaces with the nature. Our design processes are quite simple. When doing the design, we have to thoroughly comprehend each issue and “listen” to the needs before doing the sketches. I am just glad to cooperate with communities and co-create spaces for living and studying. As a landscape designer, I feel content when I see children having fun at the places I designed. Nowadays, we spend more and more time staring at our cell phone; we are always connecting with others, however, sometimes we just want to disconnect and simply be alone with ourselves. I do hope we can invite local communities and residents to participate since it is not possible to come up with an excellent solution of design without dealing with their needs. There are lots of aims we should achieve; however, we should do it in an economic ways, since we do not have much resource.
Central Park in Sydney City used to be a winery. The size of the park is around the same size of TAF/C-Lab. The site was also in need for new constructions due to the urban renovation; meanwhile, traditional buildings shall also be reserved. However, we needed more so-called negative spaces, which meant public spaces. These public spaces were often overlooked during development. We had a lot of different small projects And we hoped to input some environmental awareness and to enhance the connection with local communities. We built a green building, and I live in one of the flats. Firstly when we had the idea of constructing a green building, we agreed on this idea but being worried about it. We wished to create blocks that were friendly to the environment instead of mere basic construction. We needed an entity to present such concept. Though it appeared as a concept, we had to consider many details regarding the practical techniques. Surely the conclusion was this was a “green” building. However, the most important thing was how we can water the plants growing outside of the building. Was it mere the green color on the exterior, or was it a genuine green building? I can tell you that it actually is able to regulate the temperature, and the residents water the plants with the water from home. There was another oldest block in Sydney which used to be part of the winery, and we would like to keep it for its historical significance. We have exchanged some simple ideas with developers and architects. Since the block was connected to the Chinatown, all those buildings remained still, and we were just trying to make it alive again and more energetic.
We have been looking at cityscapes. And now, the project of Sydney Park I would like to share was a special project for me and the city government of Sydney. This was a renovation project taking place in a post-industrial city. This was originally a brick factory, and the soil was dug out for fabricating bricks while the hole was used as a landfill. So, it was actually a very complicated environment with a total size of forty hectares. This project mainly used a watershed to gather the water into the lake in the park. The original aim of the project was to store the water. However, we thought that since there was already a watershed, why not made it a place suitable for dwelling to attract more species to live here; and why not invite the artists join the process? So we want to bring in all aspects of the field and expertise, not just bringing in mere engineering and water resources. As a landscape designer, this was a very interesting project, because I needed to put aside my self-esteem and let everyoneʼs opinions be expressed. I was just the coordinator, and we were welcoming all kind of opinions.
The infrastructure construction is to pump the water from the watershed into the lake. During the process, there is automatic water filtration, just like the construction of the wetland concept. And how do we create a place that was suitable for wildlife habitats when it attracts hundreds of thousands of people every year? I think this is actually very simple. As long as there is flowing water, everything will live. Therefore, the most important thing is water. We invited artists to participate in the project, but we wanted the outcome to be more than the works of art. At the end, we worked with two great artists, and their feedback helped the project a lot. We have constructed four wetlands. There are three chimneys standing on the highest wetland while the water coming from the upper right corner from the watershed. Some small wetlands around it serve as the natural ecological water filtrations. The filtered water goes into wetlands; when it arrives at the bottom pond, the water will be pumped back to the wetland again. The amount of water is estimated to be about 330 Olympic swimming pools per year. The highest wetland has a dam-like design that allows the water to flow down for filtration. There is a canal-like construction in the wetland, and that is the works done by the artist that is used to transport water, not just an artwork standing there.
Besides these facilities, we hope to make it available for children to play here. We need to design more interesting games and provide more opportunities for them to experience. It has been two to three years since the project was completed, and there is a diverse ecosystem in this habitat. There are so many frogs and dragonflies. Though it is located at the city center, you will get the sense of nature once you enter. It has both the artificial and natural parts; thus the ecological systems here are various. It is also an animal-friendly park where every creature is allowed to run in the park. The spiritual symbol of the park is thus shaped by the scenery. When we design, we are not just doing for the residents but devoting ourselves to the Earth.