國際講座/ 棲居之事 簡介與小冊 |International Forum/ Introduction and Booklet to Habitat Matters

「棲居之事」希望能夠從生態系的角度來觀看、思考城市的狀態,特別是對於空總這個在臺北市中心的水泥基地未來的發展。因此,我們邀請了來自澳洲 Turf Design Studio 生態地景設計工作室的總監麥可.霍恩,長期對於公民城市或非典型都市規劃實踐進行研究與書寫的侯志仁,擅長用生物地理學與博物學採集角度與方法連結不同議題進行研究的洪廣冀,以及跨域採集團隊的視覺與聲音創作者蔡宛璇、澎葉生和植物專家林暐翔。透過這些講者不同的觀點來談談這個計畫關心與「棲居」相關的事。
TAF Experimental Architecture Project “Collective Negative Space Village” establishes its thought and plan through three international forums in order to continue the dialogue and expand the issues. Following the first forum “Beyond Architecture”, “Habitat Matters” hopes to extend and expand the discussion, considering issues such as urban planning, natural and cultural landscapes, and cities as ecosystems.
When it comes to the word "habitat," it seems that people will think of natural creatures directly, but when it comes to“dwelling", it seems that people will intuitively think of human. Yet it is important to think of “habitat” including the idea of dwelling to reflect on the co-residence space of people and other living organisms, which are the cities — and their relationship with the environment outside of the city. Can a cement city not only be a heat island that exists for the modern convenience of mankind? How are the lives of other organisms in the city related to people? In fact, the city cannot function without what is outside of the city as the support system. What is the important relationship between Taipei and its natural feature as basin?
“Habitat Matters” intends to see and think about the state of the city from the perspective of the ecosystem, especially focusing on the future development of C-Lab, a cement base in central Taipei. Therefore, we invite Mike Horne, the director of Turf Design Studio, an ecological landscape design studio in Australia; Jeffrey Hou, who has studied and written about civil cities and atypical urban planning practices; Hung, Kuang-Chi, who is good at using biogeographical and natural historical perspectives and methods on collecting and connecting different topics ; interdisciplinary collecting team members, Tsai, Wan-Shuen and Yannick Dauby who are visual and sound artists also the plant expert Lin, Wei-Siang. Through the different views of these speakers, the forum means to elaborate the “habitat” concerns in relation to the urban and natural environment and then think about Taipei city.