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國際講座/ 建築之外 簡介與小冊|International Forum/ Introduction and Booklet to Beyond Architecture





As the first international forum of the experimental architecture project "Collective Negative Space Village", "Beyond Architecture" aims to open up diverse imagination towards "experimental architecture" and to illustrate the scenery and paths "beyond" architecture.

In the name of "negativity", it explains our radical thinking about architectural production. This means that we are more concerned with the development and the use of marginal negative spaces, such as streets, training field and courtyard that contain alternative functions, rather than with solid buildings. To make architecture a way of thinking that responds to history, culture and land, but not just the existing functional box.

Meanwhile, this architecture should also be a place where various forms of learning, educational and cultivating activities can take place. Whether it leads us to see or perceive things that have been forgotten, neglected, excluded or to make space a collective verb, it brings people together to innovate and dynamic energy of the city by continuously leading the gathering and streaming of various things.

In this forum, we invite Didier Fiúza Faustino, who is engaged in architecture and cares about the relationship between body and the space; ROEWU architecture, who pays attention to the research of natural environment dynamics and architecture thermodynamics; Hou, June-Hao, who pays attention to parametric design, interactive design and cross-field problem solving; and two members of the interdisciplinary collecting team, Liao, Wei-Yu and Su, Hung, both researchers who are from the field of architecture, using TAF/C-Lab as a starting point to explore the scale, vision, radical thinking, interdisciplinary encounters, research methods and practical techniques required for the experimental architecture project. To understand again this piece of land that nourished Taipei City and to reposition the coordinates of human beings within, further derived the imagination of the space for the future Taipei City.

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