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++設計顧問有限公司負責人。東海大學景觀學系、中原大學建築學系、文化大 學建築及都市設計學系兼任講師及助理教授。
巴塞隆納高等建築學院ETSAB 建築碩士及博士班。


The Concept of Interdisciplinary Collecting Research 











直覺,蹲下身,伸出手 觸碰






<untitled , non-project>
Taipei’s Experimental Forest - TAF


Experiment a: collection of light boxes in TAF
Under the protection of the building, the room is a box of time, retaining many traces of the past.
The reaction of mechanical replication and chemistry re-develops the space and light inside the architecture.


Experiment b: TAF at a 35cm distance
Collection of sight, with a fixed visual field of 35 cm, viewing with another way.
Open your eyes, keep your head down, re-observe certain precious segments of the surroundings.


Experiment c: duplicating TAF
With instinct, to crouch and reach out your hand - and to touch.
Through touching to reveal the unspeakable texture and quality in the environment.


Experiment d: Growing trees of TAF: Tree and Space
The gaps between trees, the distance between human and nature The unspeakable should remain silent.


The Talk Excerpt of Interdisciplinary Collecting Research 



「建築之外」很有趣,讓我想到建築它除了是名詞它也是動詞。我覺得很有趣的事情就是,我是景觀系畢業的,後來去念建築,景觀系的老師有時候就會跟同學說「你們學的景觀就是建築外的那些外部空間」,包含那些綠地、都市空間都是我們景觀的範圍,它有點像是正的跟負的事情。因為建築這件事情它很具體、很明確, 就是一個量體,我們去把它構築出來,但是外部的空間好像就是剩下來的空間。


針對這個議題我所提出來的「沒有題目的不設計」,有一點咬文嚼字,它很有趣地剛好介在、跨在這件事情上面,我希望它是一個不要被設定、不要被預想好 的,而且或許它不是一個設計而已的事情。


我在找尋的事情有點像是我們在黑暗的環境要找尋一些飄忽的微光,或者是在一 些廢墟裡面不定性的泛音、聲響,這些東西通常不被人所注意,但是它存在在那 裡,對我來說這是接近一個地方、一個場所的一個嘗試。我們現代人怎麼在自己的時空當中還要有意識但是又很中性的來進行探索?通常像空總的這個環境, 有歷史的空間,我們怎麼樣穿透?我們時下都對這種有歷史的空間有著希望跟恐懼,懷抱無限大的期盼,同時也存在著很多的擔心跟害怕。



我的調查採集方式有點像是拾荒、隱喻跟漫遊。這幾件事情其實很抽象也很不 建築,但是我覺得這種狀況很好。首先拾荒什麼呢?我們想要撿的是人們過去的夢,這種夢或是被遺忘了,或是它存留在某個地方,然後透過隱喻它可以有效的表達,看見歷史的過去,早就崩解掉的一些歷史經驗。最後透過漫遊,我們可以 讓不確定的人像觸手一樣,就好像探測器,可以進去捕捉那些不確定,然後瞬時 即逝的一些事物,我想這些事情是有可能會回到物體的上面,留下一些痕跡。



My practice is mainly involved with the industry. However, while working in the business environment, there has still been something on my minds in addition to the practical matters, such as budgets, regulations, diagrams, construction tasks, etc. There are indeed other things, just like what is suggested by today’s topic, “Beyond Architecture.”


“Beyond Architecture” is an interesting topic, making me consider architecture as a “verb” apart from reading it as a “noun.” This is the reason why I find it interesting: I started studying architecture only after graduating with a degree in landscape architecture. Professors in our department would sometimes say to students that “studying landscape architecture is to study the external space of architecture,” including the green space and urban space. In a way, it is similar to the concept of the positive and the negative. Architecture deals with the concretized and specified aspect; it deals with the volume that is built. The external space, on the other hand, is the rest of the space.


Regarding this topic, I propose the idea of untitled, non-project, being a bit playful with the words. In an interesting way, it envisions the in-between that bridges two aspects. I hope to remove all presuppositions and preconceptions, rendering something more than a design.


What I am looking for is something like the indistinct glimmers in a dark environment or the indefinite overtones and sounds in some ruins. Ruins are usually overlooked by people, but they do exist. For me, this is an attempt to approach a place and a site. How do modern people explore our own space-time in a conscious yet neutral way? How do we perceive an environment, a space with history, like TAF,? Presently, we all have hopes and anxieties regarding a historical space like this, having the unbounded expectation as well as worries and concerns.


My collecting approach is a combination of scavenging, metaphors, and wandering, which are indeed very abstract and non-architectural. However, the combination reveals a rather ideal state. First of all, what is the purpose of scavenging? We want to collect people’s dreams in the past that might have already been forgotten or preserved in some places. Through the device of metaphor, these dreams can be efficiently conveyed to reveal the histories or some old-time experiences that have faded away. Eventually, through wandering, we send unspecified people into space, as if they are probes, to capture those uncertain, transient things. I think those things could still possibly leave some traces on the surface of material objects.

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