臺北人,水泥叢林長大。建築師。 著《游擊造屋》一書。持續在建築事務所間流浪。
The Concept of Interdisciplinary Collecting Research
「 我們趁著一天中唯一較長的空閒, 收完早餐到午餐開始間的近一小時, 躲到頂 ∣ 樓抽菸哈拉,把雜誌每篇報導每個字都讀過。在冬日來臨之前的溫暖早晨,躺在 頂樓水泥地上曬太陽,看著被頂樓圍牆牆框住的藍天,向它吐煙,是我最難忘的超現實情景。」— 選自〈薩哥〉
「如此的封閉社會,內裡任何小事(也只會有小事)都可傳千里,除了在各處室傳遞文件的同時聊兩句散播消息,每天上下午的收發文、傍晚的倒垃圾及操練時間都是訊息交換的大聚會。而封閉環境中人對小事(也只會有小事)的感受會異常放大,於是任何小事都醞釀成了大事。」— 選自〈資收場〉
"What we do is to hide on the top floor to smoke, chat and read every single word in the reports on the magazines during the longest leisure time of the day, which is nearly one hour between breakfast and lunch. In the warm morning before winter day, lying on the cement floor on the top floor, watching the blue sky framed by walls, and spewing smoke to it, are the most unforgettable surreal scenes in my memory." – Excerpt from <Shaco>
"In a closed society, anything small (only trivial things happen there) can be transmitted within a thousand miles. Apart from the gossips when passing documents in different offices, the dispatches during office hours in the morning and afternoon, garbage dumping in the evening, and training time are the big gathering of information. People's feelings about small things (and only small things would happen) will be greatly enlarged in such a closed environment, and any small things will breech into big ones." – Excerpt from <Information Gathering Field>
The Talk Excerpt of Interdisciplinary Collecting Research
我在這裡當兵然後住在旁邊的正義國宅,然後現在進到空總這塊基地來參與計 畫,是一個巧合,我的角色變成了一個身在其中的人。對於空總,我要以什麼 樣的態度去看待?我會對它有什麼責任嗎?其實也沒有。但也不是說各位就是外人,因為大家在參與空總這個場所的時候,就是從空總搬遷一直到現在,約五、六年的時間內做過非常非常多的討論,包括剛剛中午的時候我跟空總的營運團隊,他們也找了一些之前在空總生活過的各色人等,不一定是軍人,也有福利站的人。所以,我要做的事就是,回到我的巧合,我要拿我的身分來,就是只有我可以做出來的描述性的貼近,把空總的這塊場地的角色定位讓它更清楚。空總自己的身分要顯現出來,那有什麼是屬於它的身分?我要做的事情就是讓它的角色更加的立體。
我的身分除了是住在附近、在這裡當兵外,我還遇到空總搬遷的過程,等於是我參與了它角色轉換的時期。我們當兵的模式我可以快速的講,就是來這裡當兵的義務役一定都是勤務兵,勤務兵主要做的事情就是送文件。送文件不會固定在某 一個點,就是整個空總繞,我們也不會在這裡面待太久,大概就一年吧。我們不 屬於這裡但又串聯這裡的空間,靠我們這些像是不存在過的幽靈,每天這樣子繞來繞去。
所以我想做的事情就是用描述的方式,可能包括人物、空間、儀式。我會寫文章,這些文章它會是眾多材料之一,從最開始的當兵的經驗一路進到我在周圍生活的經驗,那接下來會進到什麼地方我不知道。中間我會做訪談,其實我已經訪談過了,等一下會繼續解釋這件事情。訪談它會增加故事的完整性,但故事有沒 有完成的一天?它並沒有所謂的完成,是我要幫空總這整個大的資料蒐集系統建構出一個屬於我的切片全景圖,這個全景圖放進去的話,可以增強空總自身,以及之後,空間處理或者是它在臺北市的角色處理上,它會有更多說話的聲音。這旁邊的插圖是我當兵的一個學弟被我抓來幫忙畫的,所以之後可能會用一個圖文的方式來呈現。除了我自己以外,我也會訪問周圍居民。就做到這個計畫的時間點。那之後要不要繼續做就看看,因為反正它不會有結束,它會一直下去,那它的厚度就會一直增加。
TI served the military service at TAF, lived in Zhengyi Public Housing next to it; and now, I am a participant of this project at TAF. It seems such a coincidence that my role has changed and I have become one of the people here. What attitude do I hold towards TAF? Do I shoulder any responsibility for it? The answer is, in fact, negative. However, this does not mean that we are outsiders because, during our participation in the project its relocation until now. Just now, I had a discussion with TAF operation team around noon. They also invited different people who had lived in TAF, including both military personnel and people that worked in the welfare service store. So, what I aim to do is to revisit this coincidence and closely delineate the role and position of TAF from my personal perspective. The point is to foreground the identity of TAF. What is its identity then? What I need to do is, therefore, to give it a more vivid character.
In addition to being its neighbor and serving my military service here, I also witnessed the relocation of TAF. In a way, I was part of its transition. Let me briefly talk about my military service. People serving mandatory military service here were all orderlies, whose main task was delivering documents. When performing the task, we ran around the entire premises; however, we would not be here for a time longer than a year. So, we did not belong here, but the connection between all the spaces of TAF relied on us, the specter-like orderlies, who ran around this place every day.
Therefore, what I would like to do is to adopt the approach of descriptive narrative, targeting the people, spaces and rituals. I will write articles, which will be one of the many materials, starting with my experience of military service to my daily life in the surrounding neighborhood. I do not know yet what I will eventually arrive at. During the process, I will also conduct interviews. As a matter of fact, I have already conducted some. I will come back to explain this a bit more. Interviews will make the story more complete. Yet, will the story ever have an ending? Truth be told, it does not have a so- called ending. I am the person that wants to construct a personalized panorama of TAF, which is itself a large information collecting system. This panorama, once incorporated into TAF, will reinforce TAF itself, and give it a stronger voice in terms of its spatial reconfiguration or the role it will play in Taipei City afterwards. The illustration on the side was created by a friend that served the military service here later than me. So, I might use both text and illustration in the project later. In addition to my own experience, I will also interview residents living in the neighborhood. I will continue doing interviews until the end of the project, and see if I should continue after that. After all, it does not and will not end. It will go on forever and the depth will continue to grow.